速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Jordan Aviation

Jordan Aviation





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Jordan Aviation(圖1)-速報App

Jordan Aviation is a modern, growing and progressive Airline with 700 staff members, the Sister Companies employ another 150 staff members.

Jordan Aviation(圖2)-速報App

a In order for the Airline to support its operations, a policy was established to pick up fresh university graduates and train them to run the different operations and put them on the career path in various areas such as Ground Handling, Secretariat, Ticketing, Reservation, Maintenance, Type Rating for pilots, Managerial skills, Supervisory skills, Audit, Accounting, IT, Marketing, etc.

Jordan Aviation(圖3)-速報App

Jordan Aviation provides golden employment opportunity, as well as exceptional training curriculum at its sister company that includes ground school, simulator, line training (250 hrs).

Jordan Aviation(圖4)-速報App

Training is held at the sister company “Arabia for Professional Skills Development” where OSHA courses that complies with OSHA standards “Occupational safety and Health Association” are being conducted and an “OHSA card” which qualifies trainees as Occupational Safety and Health supervisors as well.

Jordan Aviation(圖5)-速報App

Jordan Aviation(圖6)-速報App

Jordan Aviation(圖7)-速報App